“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I've been thinking a lot lately about the true self and the false self, to put it dualistically and perhaps somewhat negatively. Let's start on the dualistic plane, knowing it is inherently flawed. False self, as far as I can understand, is more concerned with self-protection, ambition, separateness, needs, wants, fixing, solving, roles, labels, worthiness, personal dramas, material things, job titles, degrees, etc. It is basically the arena of our egos and keeps us small.
True self, on the other hand, is harder to define. It is more in the arena of the eternal, that which doesn't die, versus the temporal false self. The eternal self is more about surrender and letting go into God or the Present moment. When we surrender our false self, what we find is a new frame of reference. Instead of self-centeredness (false self at the center) we find a new center. That new center could be called God or True Reality or Present moment. It is a dying to the small self so as to move into a more free and expansive relationship with reality. From this place, we no longer fear physical and psychological death so much, as we are no longer identified with them, but with the eternal self.
Ok, this all sounds great and lovely and true. Right? But come on Alli, let's get real! I've got real responsibilities, a job, people to care for, relationships to be tended to and a lot of shopping and cleaning to do. Anyway, the good news is that we can do all those things without being so attached to them. Like Jesus said (to paraphrase), "Be in the world, but not of the world." This is, of course, easier said than done. In fact, we will easily fall back into our self-centeredness, as we are inevitably triggered by life's challenges.
It's more a practice than a immediate transformation. In fact, to set out to destroy our ego, is just another ego trip (as I found out recently). To say: "I'm gonna get rid of all my desires and wants and needs and just live from that higher plane all the time," is a set up for failure. It will probably lead to repressing your human thoughts and feelings. Believe me, I tried it. So, we have to rest into it a bit, and realize it's an ongoing practice. Also, we must know that it is probably almost impossible to get rid of all self-interest, and probably not even wise. God works with us in our human incarnation, so we can't be too hard on ourselves.
We need lots of reminders to stay on this path of dying to the false self. That is why I like the above quote so much. It is a great way to remember where our true center lies. Once we commit ourselves to living at the true center, then our human experience starts to unfold in a new way. We can really enter into our humanness with fresh eyes. This is my hope and my journey. I hope we can help each other along the path to true center.
P.S. "We teach best what we most need to learn." -Richard Bach
I'm as self-centered, if not more so, than most. So, I don't claim to be more enlightened than anyone else. As the above quote implies, we teach what we need to learn. Maybe you don't need this medicine, but I know I do! So take the dose you need, or throw out the whole bottle if you want! Peace out!
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